Don't overdo it at work: How to avoid burnout

Workplace stress is rising, particularly among young people. They feel extreme pressure to perform and keep their jobs.

Over 25% of workers in Switzerland feel stressed. We spend as much as a quarter of our life working. So here’s how to keep a cool head and a clear mind.


Be more mindful

It’s easy to live inside our heads. We stop noticing the world around us. Mindfulness teaches us to be aware. We notice our thoughts, feelings and surroundings as they happen. This allows us to live in the present. It helps us identify signs of stress or anxiety early. Mindfulness can be as easy focusing on your thoughts regularly. Or you can practise yoga and meditation. If you're new to meditation, try the Headspace app


Change your diet

We are what we eat. During times of stress, our body needs the right fuel. We need more protein when we have chronic stress. This means eating more lean meats, fish and eggs. Avoid overeating. Stress takes blood flow away from the digestive system.


Cut back on caffeine

It sounds impossible, but try and have less caffeine! What goes up must come down. Coffee and energy drinks boost your energy at first. But they lead to lower energy levels in the long-term. When you feel thirsty, have water instead. 


Start exercising

Our mind and body aren’t separate. What we do with our body can affect our mental wellbeing. Regular exercise lowers stress hormones. It reduces the risk of depression and anxiety by up to 25%. It also lifts energy, improves sleep and boosts self-esteem. And it helps to keep the mind clear and calm.


Take time for your hobbies

We work to live, not live to work. So take time to enjoy hobbies. Or learn new skills to help reduce stress. Give yourself a sense of achievement. Take time to look after your body and mind. You'll be better able to handle things at work!