Has your car been towed? What you need to know

Aug 8, 2022.


You parked your car illegally in a private car park, and it was towed away in a flash. In this episode, we explain your rights and what you can do to avoid incurring expensive penalties. Tip number 1: Don’t pay the recovery service’s bill straight away. You can find out what to do next in this episode. To help you contest the recovery service’s bill, we have created a free sample template – download it here.



Minute 00:45

Section one of the podcast answers the following questions about “parking on public property”:

  • What happens if I park illegally on public property?
  • Am I allowed to stop in a no-parking area?
  • What do I need to be aware of when transferring goods?


Minute 02:25

The second section deals with questions about parking illegally on private property. 

  • What is the most common situation involving illegal parking on private property?
  • What should I do if my car has been towed away?
  • Can the recovery service charge me for returning my car on the spot?
  • What should I do if the recovery service charges me for it having to return without my car?


Minute 04:30

The third section looks at the rights and obligations of homeowners who want to have an illegally parked car towed away.

  • Can the homeowner have my car towed away if I have parked illegally on their property?
  • Who must pay the recovery service’s bill, the homeowner or me?
  • The homeowner must first try to locate the car owner. What does this involve?


MINUTE 07:00

Finally, here are two more frequently asked questions about illegal parking.

  • Is the situation different if the vehicle is a motorbike rather than a car?
  • Where am I allowed to park my motorbike?
  • More generally: what does a court-ordered ban mean?
  • What is an administration fee, and do I have to pay it?


Note: The podcast with our legal specialists from Fortuna Legal Protection is currently broadcast in Swiss German.