The services we offer you.

Order a policy document
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Order the original or a copy of a policy.
Adjust policy
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Adjust the coverage and premiums for your policy.
Change payment frequency
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Change the frequency of your premium payments.
Order payment slips
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Order more payment slips.
Order invoice copy
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Order a copy of an invoice.
Questions about invoices
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Ask us a question about your premium invoice.
Documents for company vehicles
International insurance card
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Order an international insurance card (green card).
European accident statement
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Order an accident statement form for your company vehicles.
Insurance certificate
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Order an insurance certificate for your company vehicles.
Company services
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Tips, training and resources for high-performing employees.
Professional reintegration
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Advice and support for professional employee reintegration.
HR insurance tools
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Effective HR insurance policy management tool.
Digital payroll declaration
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Report payroll data quickly and easily online.
Info kit
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Daily sickness allowance and accident insurance information, checklists and forms.