A down-to-earth look at pensions: influencer asks questions on behalf of her community

Jan 14, 2022.

Steve Ummel is a retirement planning advisor and member of our #TeamPensions. He met up with influencer Valentine Caporale for a coffee and answered all her important questions about pensions, finances and sustainability. Pensions are an extremely important topic to Valentine and everyone in her community. The conversation helped to clarify many of their questions.


Valentine Caporale is very well known in French-speaking Switzerland. She lives in Lausanne with her husband and two sons. Valentine is a content creator on Instagram with 148,000 followers and her own business.

Valentine is a self-assured young woman who takes dealing with life’s important matters into her own hands. Issues surrounding family, retirement provisions and sustainability are particularly close to her heart. She describes herself as the “Positive mind sur les réseaux sociaux”. In other words, someone who inspires their social media community with a positive mindset. Which is exactly what she does. She goes about her day with a confident, genuine and humorous attitude. And she balances her full-time job with raising her children and taking care of her own pension provision.


Her community has a lot of questions about pensions

Valentine is close to her community. When she brought up the topic of pensions, her community had a lot of questions. They trust in Valentine and her intuition for taking the right approach. Valentine used to be a radio presenter, so she knows exactly how to ask the right questions – which she has now put to Steve.

Video – Valentine and Steve’s conversation

In this video, Valentine asks Steve the most important questions from her community.

Are you a young adult wondering how to safeguard your future? Then this video is for you: find out why having an initial consultation with an expert is strongly recommended before planning any investments, discover what we refer to as a pension analysis and familiarise yourself with the three main risks to insure against. Steve Ummel explains exactly what is covered by the three pillars, the entry threshold for the 2nd pillar, and the maximum amount that you can put in the 3rd pillar. He also explains the specific cases where the 3rd pillar can be used for property. Finally, he mentions environmentally friendly investments and the new range of investments offered by Generali in this area.

Tomorrow Invest: Generali’s sustainable pension

Tomorrow Invest is our new sustainable investment plan. With it, you can invest your money in companies that are active in pioneering key sectors and that receive top ratings for sustainability. The companies are rated by Sustainalytics, one of the world’s leading independent consulting agencies.