
Our ambassador Dominic Lobalu.

In this interview, the professional runner talks about his plans for the future.

As a child, Dominic Lobalu, who is originally from South Sudan, dreamed of becoming a footballer. But instead, he began running as a teen. Now he is hoping to set a world record over 3,000 metres.

Dominic, have you always dreamed of becoming a professional runner?

No, absolutely not. As a young boy I used to dream of playing football. But back then, all of my friendswanted to be footballers. It was my teacher who advised to me to run. In the end, he convinced me. So I started running. I was 15 years old.


Tell us a little more about yourself.

I was born in South Sudan. I lived there for a few years. Unfortunately, the political situation there was very unstable. That’s why I had to leave my homeland. I then lived in Kenya as a refugee for over ten years.


How did you get into running?

It was in Kenya that I started running for sport and became a member of the Kenya Refugee Athletes team. This team was recognised by the International Olympic Committee and I was able to take part in international competitions. In May 2019, I took part in the Harmony Geneva Marathon for Unicef in Switzerland and then stayed here. It wasn’t easy. But various centres for asylum seekers in Vallorbe and Chiasso took me on. I was able to prove my willingness and ability to become a professional runner. They put me in contact with my trainer Markus Hagmann. On 13 August 2019, three days before my 21st birthday, I moved to St. Gallen. Now I’m a member of the LC Brühl athletics club. I’m also attending a language school.

How did you become part of the Generali Running Family?

I met Tadesse Abraham several times at various races in Switzerland. He approached me and that’s how we got to know each other. Tadesse told me about the Generali Running Family. He also put me in touch with Generali Switzerland. 


What is your current goal?

My goal for a few years now has been to break records. I also want to be the first refugee to win medals at the biggest international competitions. Of course, I want to continue to stay in Switzerland too. And I would like to turn my passion into a career.


What message would you like to give to young people?

Ask yourself what you want. Believe in yourself and follow your goal with all of your heart. If you put your whole heart into it, it will work out. This will give you the will and the power you need.

Dominic Lobalu

Dominic Lobalu

Professional runner and Generali ambassador

Dominic Lobalu is the running talent with iron will, refining his craft through sweat, blood and tears. He is faster than six-time world champion and four-time Olympic champion Mohamed Farah. And he dreams of setting a world record over 3,000 metres.