
Claim (24-hour helpline)

Accident report mandatory accident insurance (AIA)

Have you suffered a loss or damage? You can report any loss or damage and claim benefits, quickly and easily.

Fields marked * must be completed.

What kind of claim does it concern?*

Please tick an answers.

You are

You are...*

Please specify.

Please enter your first name.

Please enter your surname.

Please enter a valid e-mail address.

Please enter the policy no.

1. Employer

Please enter your first name.

Please enter your surname.

Please specify.

Please specify.

Please enter the postcode.

Please enter the location.

Please specify.

Please enter a valid phone no. +41791234567

2. Injured person

Please specify.

Please specify.

Please enter your first name.

Please enter your surname.

Please enter your street name.

Please enter your house number.

Please enter the postcode.

Please enter the location.

Please enter your e-mail address.

Please enter a valid phone no. +41791234567

Please state the date of birth.

Please state the AVS number.

Please specify.

Work/residence permit (foreigners only)

Please specify.

Please specify.

Children up to the age of 18 or in education up to the age of 25*

Please specify.

Please specify.

3. Employment

Please indicate the date.


Please tick an answers.

Employment contract*

Please tick an answers.

Please specify.

Please specify.

Please specify.


Please specify.

4. Date of injury

Please indicate the date.

Please indicate the time.

5. Place of accident

 characters remaining

Please explain.

6. Facts (description of accident, suspected occupational illnesses)

 characters remaining

Please explain.

Please enter the name.

Does a police report exist ?*

Please tick an answers.

7. Occupational accident

 characters remaining

8. Non-occupational accident

 characters remaining

9. Injury

Affected part of the body*


Please indicate which body part is affected.

Type of injury*


Please indicate the type of injury.

Affected body part*

Please tick an answers.

10. Disability

Stopped work as a consequence of the accident?*

Please tick an answers.

Here you can add certificates, medical certificates or medical findings; max. 20 MB (Files must be .pdf, .jpg or .png only).

The maximum size of all files is 20MB.

Files must be .pdf, .jpg or .png only.

No file selected.

This file is infected.

Anticipated duration of working incapacity longer than 1 month?*

Please tick an answers.

11. Address of medical practitioner

Please state the doctor or hospital/clinic.

12. Salary

Basic contractual salary incl. inflation allowance (gross)

Please state the wage.

Basic contractual salary*

Please state the wage.

Child/family allowance

Please state the wage.

Child/family allowances*

Please state the wage.

Holiday/public holiday compensation

Please state the wage.

Compensation for vacation/public holidays*

Please state the wage.

Gratification/13th monthly wage (and others)

Please state the wage.

Bonus/13th month's salary (and other) *

Please state the wage.

Other wage supplements (e.g. piece rates, commission, payment in kind, shift allowance)

Other wage supplements

Please state the wage.

13. Special cases

14. Compensation to be paid to bank/post account (number and name of the bank):

Please enter the IBAN.

Please specify.

15. Other social insurance benefits

Is the insured already entitled to daily sickness benefits or a pension payments from any of the following: health insurer, Suva or other compulsory accident insurance company, old age and survivors insurance (AVS), professional provident institution, military insurance scheme, unemployment fund?

16. Name of Occupational Benefit Plan (Pension Fund)

Please enter the name of the occupational benefit plan.

Data protection*

